I will put up full posts on the categories I voted in over the next week or so. If you cant wait, my full ballot is below.
Tag: Hugos
Hugo Awards Extravaganza 2017 -Graphic Story
What happens when SFF fans nominate comic books for an award? Usually I would say you get fewer superhero titles and more SFF, but this year fully half the titles contain avengers, though not the avengers you are thinking of. Also, I love comic books, but I have no knack for visual criticism, so I apologise in advance to both readers and artists if my art criticism boils down to “it looked pretty”.
Hugo Awards Extravaganza 2017 -Novella
The Novelette and Novella are the ugly step children of the Hugos, novelette being a long short story, and a novella being a short novel. Nonetheless, they are often have the most diversity in offerings of the categories. This slate of novellas is particularly strong, with five of the six stories being excellent and deserving of award.
Hugo Awards Extravaganza 2017 -Novelette
The Novelette and Novella are the ugly step children of the Hugos, novelette being a long short story, and a novella being a short novel. Nonetheless, they are often have the most diversity in offerings of the categories.
Hugo Awards Extravaganza 2017 – Short Story
I love short stories, but don’t read enough of them. For science fiction in particular, a short story represents the perfect length to show off a good idea without getting bogged down. Stories here are less than 7,500 words, listed in order of reading. Given the short length, spoilers are somewhat inevitable.
Hugo Awards Extravaganza 2017 – Introduction
So it’s time for my semi-annual attempt to read the bulk of the Hugo Award Fiction Nominees and vote for my favourite candidates.
What are the Hugos?
The Hugo Awards are probably the best known Science Fiction and Fantasy awards for books…